Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sick Kid

My daughter woke up at 4am yesterday morning because she was vomitting.  By 6:30am she was finally able to keep down a glass of water.  She had no fever during any of this.  She wanted to go to school, but was afraid she would vomit if she ate lunch.  I told her I would pick her up early, before lunch. She made me promise it would at least be after P.E.  She ate lunch at home, roman noodles & gatorade.  Thankfully, she kept it all down.  Needless to say, she's back in school today, for the full day.
Now I'm hoping my toddlers do not get whatever that was.
Let's pray for an easy, healthy day.  I have a few papers to write and a house to clean.  With me luck!