Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pet Peeve...

Why do noncustodial parents tell their children when they turn 12 years old they can move in with them?  Show me in the custody papers where it says that?  First of all, a judge decides where they can and can't live.  Second, if either parent can be proven unfit & the child is underage, the judge won't even consider which parent the child wants to live with.  Just because parents may not be together anymore, doesn't mean they aren't parents anymore.  You don't use your child to hurt the other parent under any circumstances.  You definitely don't make promises about where they can live without going before a judge first.  It's a mean, petty play.  I would like to see custodial and noncustodial parents all remain good parents and still hold your childs best interest as most important.  Parent your child, talk to your child, love your child and never give up on your child!

I tried not having coffee this morning.  I had a cup of steaming hot chocolate instead.  However, I don't think it did the trick.  Here it is 1:52pm and I'm exhausted.  I even took a nap with my kids today.  I think I'll have a big pot of coffee in the morning to make up for it. 

Have a great Tuesday my wonderful followers! 
Feel free to comment!


  1. I have known of parents who do this and to me this is mental abuse passive and seemingly harmless but it to takes a toll.

    Feel free to read my older post and also may I add nice arrangement on yours.
